Objective-the more the better?

The main objective of this blog is to help you promote your blog/website.
The way to promote your blog/website is to have someone to put your URL. This way can increase amount of link backs and improves your Google PR too.

You need to get as many exposure of your blog/website as possible to get more visitors. So don't wait for others to add their URL here before you, get yourself rank 1st before others do. Put your comment now along with your description and Title of your blog/website. Write a brief summary of your blog/website so I can post it, you can either provide me your blog/website snapshot or I will take a snapshot of your blog/website.

The link in this blog/website should have a duration, but for now there is none due to less than 50 blogs/websites added in my blog. This way we all can make sure the visitors who click on your URL is not a dead link.

I already have 50 websites added here, from now onwards only PR 2 to PR 10 will be able to exchange links with me.
If you still wish to exchange links for PR 0 and PR 1 please go to my new website
My Site

If you wanted to be ranked Top 20, remember to write a short review about ihelppromote.

0 Wanted link(s) added:

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